Cool Cell Phone Tools

Here are two cell phone tools I’ve found so useful lately I wanted to share with folks. So, read about them and use them if you want…

GOOG 411

GOOG 411

When you call 411 from your cell phone you usually pay a buck or so for the convenience. Google‘s new 411 service is free, fast and easy to use. It works in a snap, plus you can get the address details if you want and even have it text-messaged to your cell phone, which is extremely helpful!



Jott is my new favorite. Here’s how I used it: When I drive around in my car, I used to keep a notepad handy for to-dos, ideas, etc. Now I call Jott on my headset, speak what I would usually write down, and it shows up transcribed in my email a few minutes later! It’s a great way to send notes to yourself and even draft emails to send later. You can add people to your address book and use your voice to send them emails or text or both.
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